Ryan Gosling keeps vehicles from movie sets

In a recent interview for British GQ, the First Man actor revealed that he owns the car from 2011’s Drive and the motorbike from 2012’s The Place Beyond The Pines.
Ryan Gosling has kept vehicles from two of his action-crime films.
In a recent interview for British GQ, the First Man actor revealed that he owns the car from 2011’s Drive and the motorbike from 2012’s The Place Beyond The Pines.
But while Gosling occasionally takes each vehicle for a spin, he insisted no one recognises him on the road.
“No. No. I painted it, which seems to work,” he stated, adding that he now tends to drive family cars to accommodate his two daughters with partner Eva Mendes – seven-year-old Esmeralda and Amada, five.
“I only drive cars that are big enough for two car seats and a Doberman,” the star smiled.
Elsewhere in the chat, Gosling recalled how he did the majority of his own stunts in The Place Beyond The Pines, but was banned from tackling one particularly scary sequence.
“The director wanted to shoot all of the heist scenes in one long, single take. And that included, you know, riding up the street on the motorcycle, pulling up to the bank, robbing it and then the getaway. So, you can imagine when you’re doing 20, 25 takes, it sometimes gets squirrely. It involved a lot of logistics – near misses with cars in traffic and driving out from the back of the truck. It was touch and go at times,” the 41-year-old continued. “I wish I could have done it all. But I also understand why the insurance company drew the line on me riding my bike in something called the ‘Globe Of Death.'”
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